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Freelancer and character/background designer


Project Showcase

Projects created over the past 3 years working within a team whilst studying at the IIE Vega Durban Campus - BSc in Game Design and Development will be displayed below!

Light on Concrete Wall
Red Fabric Waves_edited.jpg

Power Struggle

Corbin Nel
Josh de Klerk
Logan De La Rey


You play as a mechanic in a post-apocalyptical world where loadshedding has reached unbearable levels! Your goal is to fix generators in peoples' homes to restore power! Unfortunately, the creatures who lurk in the shadows prefer the lights to stay off!


Find parts to fix the generator whilst being hunted by unimaginable creatures of the night!

Stadium Concrete Seats

In a team of 2 or 3 we were tasked to

design a game based off of a South

African issue which needed to be addressed.


First semester we were asked to research different topics and finalize a concept for the final game.

Second semester is where everything came together and the final game prototype was produced, including a tutorial and a playable level.

Project Brief

My Contribution and Role

I was tasked to conceptualize the monsters which would be added to the final build of the game. Their mechanics, story and visual appearance were all part of my section of the project.

Along with the design of the creatures, I made the 3D models of a couple of creatures as well as the 3D model of the final level and map of the prototype build.


Unity Game Engine

Programming Language: C#

Textured Background_edited.jpg

Progress Work

Pizza Dough
Beige Fabric_edited.jpg

Into The Oven

Corbin Nel
Josh de Klerk
Logan De La Rey


A little demon chef needs to make pizza with magical toppings to fight off a hoard of kobolds threatening the well being of the little chef's kitchen!


Each topping has it's own dangerous effect. You need to make 3 different pizzas with varying effects which act like your weapons against the hoard. Last as long as possible and defeat the hoard!


Bubbly Clay Texture

In a team of 3 we were tasked to make a game in under 48 hours as part of a game jam!

ALL information was given the day of the game jam regarding what theme our game had to follow as well as the brief of our project in general.

The theme for the game jam was "summoning"

Project Brief

My Contribution and Role

I created concept art for all toppings which would appear on the pizzas.

I was then tasked to 3D model these toppings so they could be used on the pizzas. 

I did the sound effects and music as well as texturing most of the in-animate objects seen in the final game.


Unity Game Engine

Programming Language: C#

Textured Background_edited.jpg

Progress Work



All work completed within my field of work will appear below.

Images of concept art and creature art are displayed!


Durban, KZN, South Africa


Thanks for submitting!

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